
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Week Beginning 6th July



For the last 2 weeks we have been reading the story Traction Man by Mini Grey. I have put a link below.


Traction Man is here - Books Alive! Read Aloud children's book

Books Alive! Read aloud Traction Man is here by Mini Grey. The everyday hero performing extraordinary bravery in the realms of the home. All in a days work f...

The children have loved this story so we are going to continue with the theme and this week will be Superhero week! Our text this week is Supertato and the learning this week at home will be Superhero or Supertato  themed. I have also put a link to the Supertato story below. 

Supertato - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for kids

Books Alive! Read aloud the first instalment of the ground breaking, earth shattering superhero franchise - SUPERTATO! By Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet More fun...


Why don't you try creating speech bubbles for the characters in the story like in the pictures below. 




Can you use your science skills to create some superhero fun? Prepare to get messy! 


Superhero Craft


Here are some craft ideas for you to try at home. There are full instructions for the city scene and the jet pack. 



If you would like to access the White Rose learning, please see the resources below. I have also included some superhero maths challenges and activities. 
