
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Week 1 Learning - Week Beginning 23/03/20

As well as your 'Classroom Secrets' learning pack you can complete these activities this week. 

Remember you can email me with any questions or pictures/documents of work you have completed. 


Don't forget to read for at least half an hour a day and practise your timetables for 15 minutes a day!

Miss Cessford smiley


Maths activities for the week 

Literacy activities for the week 

Writing activity - write a letter to an elderly relative or someone you know who is currently self isolating. This letter will lift the spirits of the receiver, who may be feeling lonely. 


Remember to include:

  • Date
  • Dear + the person's name 
  • In the main part of the letter you might want to include what you have been doing, what you wish for in the next few weeks etc. 
  • Sign off (Lots of love ..., love from ...)


Maybe include a colourful drawing or a short poem? 

mail Get your parents or carer to post or deliver the letter. 

Spelling activity - Practise your spellings for this week (Week 5 in your Home Learning Book) and get your parents to test you at the end of the week. 
Punctuation/grammar activity - 
Science activities for the week 
How much do you know about sounds and how we hear them? 
Big Picture / Art activities for the week 

Try creating some World War Two Blitz Art work.

Use paint/colouring pencils/oil pastels to create the background and used black card to create the London skyline and planes (silhouette). 


Here are some examples created by children in other schools. 
