
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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More able pupils

We recognise that some children may possess talents and gifts beyond the majority of their peers. These could be in academic or non-academic areas. As part of our assessments we identify any children who may have special gifts or talents and monitor their progress closely.


Our curriculum provides for more-able pupils caby offering additional challenges and 'deeper dives' into aspects of their learning. Additional support for these children may also include providing differentiated, more challenging work in class and opportunities for children to engage in additional  activities or learning outside the class. This may include competitions, special workshops,master classes, sporting fixtures etc.


In addition, in Year 5,  we identify our most able pupils and offer them weekly tutoring in preparation for selective school entrance tests to our local grammar schools:  Tiffin School (for boys)  and The Tiffin Girls' School.


For more information please ask to speak to our Headteacher.
