
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Week 7 - 18/05/20

Maths activities for this week:

This week we are looking at doubling amounts. The children should learn that double means twice as many. They should be given opportunities to double using objects so they can see how the amount increases. Mirrors are a fun way for children to see double amounts. 


Activity 1: Watch this numberblocks episode:


Activity 2: Have a go at these activities: 


Activity 3: Use these templates, you can either print or draw them. Get your child to use craft items (e.g. pom poms, stickers, sequins) to put the same amount on either wing. E.g. If there are 5 on one wing and 5 on the other you can talk about Double 5 is 10. 

Phonics activities for the week:

Tune in to the Letters and Sounds lessons daily here:

They will be recapping our sounds of the week last week. 

Literacy activities for the week:

Watch this video of me reading The Night Pirates and then complete the activities listed below:

Story time with Miss Saffer 5

Me reading The Night Pirates

Activity 1: Think of an adventure that the night pirates could go on... maybe they will go to china and ride on an elephant or maybe they go to space in a rocket ship. Be as inventive as you like. You can draw/paint a picture to go alongside a couple of sentences. 


Activity 2: So... I really would like to have a go at being a pirate but I am just not sure how to be a pirate. Do you think you can help? Can you write me some instructions on how to be a good pirate? Maybe you could help me with what to wear? How to talk? And most importantly how to find treasure? Thanks so much everyone!

Science activities:

This week all our activities are pirate based, hope you enjoy them.

Ooo Arrrr.....
