
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Age 4-7 Category

Avocado Asks: this was another of our World Book Day reads for EYFS to Y3. It had lots of thumbs up votes in all the classes. In fact some Y2 children gave it "a thousand" thumbs up! Miss Saffer said she loved the illustrations, Miss Cessford thought it was easy for children to relate to. In Y3 it started a discussion about how you define a vegetable, and a fruit and that it can be quite confusing to decide which fits where. But of course the book as tells us it doesn't really matter! 

Clean Up by Nathan Byron & Dapo Adeola

This was another very popular book in Reception & Year 1. It helped us understand the importance of not leaving litter on the beach - especially plastic. None of us wanted to visit a dirty beach or see sea creatures hurt by litter. Rocket is a great character and we've been lucky enough to get a new book about her called Look Up.

The Last Tree - Emily Haworth Booth

A very beautiful story, which Reception really enjoyed, about people building a village in the forest but then taking all the wood from the trees until there was only one small one left. But the children are heroes in this story and manage to make things better again and the forest is restored.

Who's Your Real Mum

Mrs Palmer had a lovely World Book Day reading this to each of our classes from Nursery to Y6. In youngest age groups, the girls seemed to enjoy it more than the boys but from Y1 upwards it was popular with everyone. It started lots of discussions about who is in your family, how families are different and that families are joined by love; it's a book that made us think.



