
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Week 4 Learning - Week Beginning 27th April

This arithmetic paper is in 2 halves. Paper b has the more challenging questions. Remember to set a timer - 30 minutes for both papers.

Above is the link to the powerpoint for your Titanic Lessons for the week. You should structure this over 3 sessions, but you may also want to allow yourself more writing time. 

The activity is to write a persuasive letter. Look closely at the powerpoint as it has a lot of resources that you can use to help you. 

Remember that I would like you all to send me a copy of your letter, either electronically or a photograph or scanned copy. 

I wonder who can be the most persuasive in the class? 


Did you have a look at the BBC Bitesize Website last week? Each week they are setting a timetable for learning for each year group. As you already have a maths and a literacy task this week, I would like you to look at the activities for the 'foundation subjects' (Science, History, Geography etc) and have a go at these activities. 

Take part in one activity each day. Last week they had a great activity linked to Secondary Transition so maybe you could also go back and look at this. 


Toby created a fantastic picture of the Titanic and used an online video to help him. I have given you some links to some other online drawing videos for you to have a go at. Don't forget to send me a photograph of your artwork to add to our gallery. 
