
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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'Governors are highly skilled and are an integral part of the community. They hold the school to account through continual support and challenge.'  Ofsted 2018


Please see below for information relating to our Governing Body. If you are interested in becoming a governor of our school please contact the school office.

Instrument of Government


Our current Instrument of Government came into effect on 1 November 2014:

Scheme of Delegation


For information about the structure and remit of the Governing Body and sub-committees, please see the Scheme of Delegation:

School Governors


The school's current Governors are:


Foundation Governors

Ms Heather Clabon (Chair)

Revd Simon Coupland  (Ex-officio, Vice Chair)

Mr Nick Daymond

Mr Richard Simpson

Mrs Helen Zandbergs

Mrs Emily Rogerson-Reah


Parent Governors

Mr Marco Colombo


Local Authority Governor

Mrs Angela King


Staff Governors

Mrs Sian Murphy

Mrs Catherine Trimby


Associate Governors
Mrs Jo Wilson



Mrs Clare Blake


Further information about our Governors including their registered interests, terms of office, by whom they are appointed, committees on which they serve and positions of responsibility are available here:

Caring for our School Fund


The school governors administer this fund.  All families are encouraged to support the school financially if they are able and a suggested monthly donation of £2.50 equates to £30 per annum.  Obviously you can contribute more, or make a one-off payment if you prefer.


Our Caring for our School Fund letter is here:


If you are a current or prospective parent and would like to speak to the Chair of Governors, Heather Clabon, about our school, please email 


"The governing body is professional and strong at holding the school to account for the achievement of its pupils."

Ofsted, May 2014
