Remember you can email me with any questions or pictures/documents of work you have completed.
Don't forget to read for at least half an hour a day and practise your timetables for 15 minutes a day!
Miss Cessford
Maths activities for the week
Daily decimals lessons:
Click on this link and have a go at doing one maths lesson a day. Watch the video for the lesson and have a go at the activities. You can either print the activity sheets or write the answers in a notebook. Then check your answers!
Monday - Make a whole
Tuesday - Write decimals
Wednesday - Compare decimals
Thursday - Order decimals
Friday - Maths Challenge!
Play this decimal number bonds to 1 game. You've got to pop the bubbles by making a whole using decimals -
Timestables practise:
Literacy activities for the week
Writing activity -
Your writing task this week is to create a play script about two friends who decide to go and explore an empty house.
Billy: (Nervously) Do you think we dare go inside?
Cara: (Looking excited and brave) Oh come on, let’s go in. I’m sure it’s empty.
Billy: What do you think we will find?
Cara: You never know, there might be treasure!
Use the picture in the document below as a stimulus, then plan your play script using the sheet provided. Once you have planned start writing your play script. Remember a plays script is a written version of a play used by actors to prepare and rehearse for a performance.
You will need to use the features such as:
Spelling activity -
Can you remember what a homophone is? What if I wrote the words ate and eight? What are similar and different about the words?
*A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning and has a different spelling.
Have a go at the homophone game I have attached below using Powerpoint. If you can't get access to this, have a go at these online games.
Also practise a few of the Year 3/4 common exception words each day. Write the meaning of the word, synonyms, antonyms and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.
Grammar/punctuation activity -
Reading activity -
Have a go at this reading comprehension about the London Marathon. Pick which level of difficulty you want, read the text and then answer the questions. Don't forget to check your answers using the answer sheet.
★ Easy: Pages 1 - 4
★★ Medium: Pages 5 - 8
★★★ Difficult/Challenge: 9 - 12
Science activities for the week
This terms Science topic is Animals (including humans).
Firstly I would like you to find the definitions of the words digestion and digestive system.
Next, I would like you to think about your own body and think about these questions. Write brief answers:
1. How do humans digest food?
2. How does food travel through the body?
3. What parts of the body?
Then, have a go at labelling the different parts of the digestive system. I have given you the first letter of each part as a hint! You might have to look some up online.
Now use the activity sheet below to match the body part with the correct function. You may need to use the internet to help with some of them!
Big picture / Art activities for the week
This terms Big Picture topic is Meet the Artists. We will be looking at the work of different artists each week, both designers and architects.
This week we are going to explore the work of William Morris. Morris was a Victorian designer who wanted to bring his designs to the masses and produced books, furniture, stained glass windows, tiles, tapestries, textiles and wallpapers. Click here to see his collection online.