If you have access to a printer, please find below a home learning pack that you can download and print at home for your children to independently work through, at their own pace to allow opportunities for a screen break:
Year 4 Home Learning Pack (week commencing 8th June 2020)
Maths activities for the week
Daily maths lessons:
The White Rose lessons continue with decimals this week.
Watch the daily videos here - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ - Summer Term - Week 7 (w/c 8th June)
Monday - Tenths as decimals
Tuesday - Divide 1-digit by 10
Wednesday - Hundredths as decimals
Thursday - Divide 1 or 2-digits by 100
Friday - Math's challenge!
The activity sheets are attached below along with the answer sheets! Don't forget to mark your own and check where you have gone wrong.
I am aware that some of you will have already covered this content earlier in the lockdown period. If this is the case, I have provided alternative lessons for Summer Week 7 below. Click on the Y4 Alternative Plan to access the videos.
Lesson 1 - 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s
Lesson 2 - Add two 4-digit numbers – no exchange
Lesson 3 - Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange
Lesson 4 - Add two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange
Literacy activities for the week
Writing activity -
Spelling activity -
I have attached your new spelling sheets for the next six weeks! Each week I would like you to practise your spellings. Write the meaning of the word, synonyms (words that mean the same), antonyms (words that mean the opposite) and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Get an adult or sibling to test you at the end of the week.
Grammar / punctuation activity -
Brackets can be used to add additional information to a sentence. The sentence would still make sense on its own, without the parts in brackets.
Winston Churchill (a British Prime Minister) was born in Blenheim Palace.
Follow this link to revise your knowledge of using brackets on BBC bitesize. Follow the learning activities by watching the videos and then practise with some short activities. You will need a pencil and some paper for some of these activities.
Reading activity -
Have a go at this reading comprehension. Pick which level of difficulty you want, read the text and then answer the questions. Don't forget to check your answers using the answer sheet.
★ Easy: Pages 1 - 4
★★ Medium: Pages 5 - 8
★★★ Difficult/Challenge: 9 - 14
Big Picture activities for the week
Our new Big Picture topic for the next six weeks is all about R A I N F O R E S T S!
There are two lessons I would like you to complete this week.
Lesson 1: What is a rainforest?
Have a quick look at the powerpoint below. Then I'd like you to watch the video and go on a Senses Journey. Imagine you're standing in the middle of the rainforest. What might you see, hear, smell, feel, taste? Jot these ideas down onto the worksheet, you might have to use your imagination for some senses.
Then, using your existing knowledge and perhaps a dictionary, you and a couple of members of your family can match the words with the correct definitions.
Lesson 2: Where in the world are they?
There are two types of rainforest: temperate and tropical. We are going to be focusing on those that are tropical. Tropical rainforests lie in the tropics (The part of the Earth's surface between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn; characterised by a hot climate).
Remember in class we looked on Google Maps and found the Equator and which countries lie on the Equator. The Equator is an imaginary line diving the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. We also learnt about the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn lines. Tropical rainforests grow mainly in equatorial regions because temperatures are always warm because the Equator runs at the globe’s widest spherical point and therefore closest to the sun. Due to warmer temperatures there is also more evaporation from the land and water that leads to an increase in rainfall.
Have a go at the activity below sheet below labelling key Tropical Rainforests! You might need to use Google Maps to help! (https://www.google.com/maps)
If you are feeling more creative you can make a simple salt dough to do some map making to show key rainforests. There are two documents below which will explain in detail how to make the salt dough and instructions for map making using the dough.