Here is a special message from all of the teachers at St Richard's letting you all know how much we care about you and how much we miss you!
Miss Cessford's daily update.
Good morning everyone,
See you in school!
Miss Cessford x
Update for parents:
We are delighted to inform you that in addition to the work we are setting your child on our class page there are now two professional online e-learning platforms that have been especially developed for the Lockdown period. The Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons both have lots of videos and interactive learning possibilities which we recommend you use to enhance your child’s home learning from now until we return to school. They both have daily lessons with lots of videos, quizzes etc. and should be more interactive than what we have been able to provide so far. Follow the links and explore the Year 4 sections. If you feel your child could do with a recap of previous topics then please have a look at the other year groups.
We hope you will find the information below informative and fun. Check out our Gallery for photos of what we have been up to. For information about time tables, swimming & PE days, how to help your child etc. see our Class Information page and for other news go to Class News.