Please see below for a copy of this week's timetable
This week we will completing our final week of the book, The Iron Man. We will explore Ted Hughes use of questions in the text and use this feature in a poem, we will be creating new characters and writing character descriptions. We will end the week reviewing the text as a whole and discussing our enjoyment and view of the book. Before the end of term we will watch the film and compare it to the text. In reading we will continuing with exploring the concept of inference, using images to deduct meaning from as well as creating images based upon what we have read. In Spelling we will be learning the spelling rules for -ly and how to correctly use apostrophes for contractions.
In maths we will be coming to the ned of our Place Value block. We will be learning how to count in 25's, understanding negative numbers and start to recognise Roman numerals to 100.
Big Picture:
On Monday we will be competing our Iron Men that we have been making from chicken wire. We have worked really hard in our pairs and we are so proud of what we have achieved. When we have completed them we will share our photos on the website.
On Wednesday we will star our new Big Picture - The Anglo Saxons. We will start by discovering who they are and when they settled in England as well as where they travelled from.
We will be understanding the Holy Trinity and how God was represented on earth as Jesus (Son).
In Science we will be understanding how invertebrates form the biggest percentage of the living population. We will learn about the different groups of invertebrates and then go on an invertebrate hunt.
Please see below for this week’s planning
Please see below for any resources needed for delivery of this week's planning