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Week 10 Learning - Week Beginning 15/06/20

If you have access to a printer, please find below a home learning pack that you can download and print at home for your children to independently work through, at their own pace to allow opportunities for a screen break: 

Year 4 Home Learning Pack (week commencing 15th June 2020): 

Maths activities for the week 

Times Tables:


  • Complete at least 15 minutes of Times Tables Rockstars a day
  • If you need to learn or need more practise of a particular times table, follow this website - select one of the times tables you wish to practise and have a go at the different activities. Then show what you can do on the speed test and Multiplication Tables Check 
  • - choose from a range of times table games! 


Daily maths lessons:

The White Rose maths continues with Decimals this week. Watch the daily videos here - Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June).


*I am aware that some of you will have already covered this content earlier in the lockdown period. If this is the case, I have provided alternative activities below.*


Monday - Write decimals 

Tuesday - Compare decimals 

Wednesday - Order decimals 

Thursday - Round decimals 

Friday - Math's challenge!


The activity sheets are attached below along with the answer sheets! Don't forget to mark your own and check where you have gone wrong. 

If you have already completed the White Rose decimal videos and worksheets during lockdown, here are some alternative worksheets for the week. 

Arithmetic test - a combination of questions using your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Literacy activities for the week 

Writing activity - 

This week I would like you to write a persuasive letter. You can either write a letter to the Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) convincing him to allow Year 4 pupils to come back to school or to convince him that pupils should stay at home before the summer holidays. 


You should plan your letter before writing it, thinking about at least 3 points you are going to discuss. Then write it out neatly and send me a picture! I want to see how convincing you can be. 

Features of a persuasive letter: 

  • Write a greeting (Dear Mr Johnson...) 
  • Introduction paragraph - the reasons for writing your letter 
  • Following paragraphs with your persuasive argument (2 or 3 points) 
  • End with a summary of your argument 
  • Sign off you letter with Yours Sincerely, .... 


Below are some things that might help you - a word mat and a planning template.

Spelling activity - 

I have attached your new spelling sheets for the next six weeks! Each week I would like you to practise your spellings. Write the meaning of the word, synonyms (words that mean the same), antonyms (words that mean the opposite) and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Get an adult or sibling to test you at the end of the week.

Grammar/punctuation activity - 


Complete this Grammar and punctuation test. If you need, use the guided powerpoint to help with your understanding of some grammatical language.

Reading activity - 

There are two main ‘parts’ to reading comprehension that are very important: being able to read and decode a text, and understanding what you have read. 


Below I have uploaded some 60-second reads. Keep your reading up to speed and have a go at answering the quick-fire questions. They are all about the rainforest – our Big Picture topic this term! 

Big Picture activities for the week 

Our new Big Picture topic for the next six weeks is all about R A I N F O R E S T S


There are two lessons I would like you to complete this week. 


Lesson 3: Layers of the rainforest


A rainforest has four different layers. Watch this clip about the different layers and jot down some notes about each of them. 

  • Emergent layer 
  • The canopy 
  • Understory layer 
  • Forest floor 

Why do different plants grow in these layers? Think about nutrients, sunlight, water, etc. 
