Please see below for a copy of this week's timetable
This week we will be starting our new text 'Varmints'. We will be looking at the book and the film too - in stages. There is a link for this in the planning. We will be exploring conjunctions for comparison as well as retelling the story through drama. The book will explore the theme of our changing world. In spelling we will be learning about apostrophes for possession as well as the spelling patter -sure and -ture. These are lessons 10 and 11 on the plan.
In maths we will be starting a new block of learning. We are moving into addition and then subtraction. Initially we will be revising some content from Year 3. By the end of the week we will be able to add 2 4-digit numbers where there is more than one exchange.
Big Picture:
We will be continuing with the Anglo Saxons. First we will revisit last week's content as there was a lot of new learning and vocabulary. We will then look closely at Anglo-Saxon villages and their way of life, initially focusing on food and farming. We will create a map of an Anglo-Saxon town and also design a menu for an Anglo-Saxon.
We will be will be exploring the theme of belonging with Jesus being referred to as a vine.
In Science we will use a programme in J2, which we can access via LGfL. We will use J2data to create our own classification key for sorting invertebrates.
Please see below for this week’s planning
Please see below for any resources needed for delivery of this week's planning