Mr Neill's daily message:
Wednesday 1st of July
Dear Willow class,
Wow! July already! Hard to believe there are only a few weeks left of term!
We are now part-way through the second week of Year 2 being back in class, and I have nothing but praise for the children. Every single child without exception has come in with a superb positive attitude. You have all listened and adapted to the new rules for social distancing, hand washing, lunchtimes and play times calmly and sensibly. You have all worked hard in lessons and shown your love of learning. I couldn't be more proud of you.
Thank you too to the parents and carers for being so prompt with dropping off and collecting the children during our allotted time slot (8.45am and 3.00pm). It really helps.
As you will have seen in last week's bulletin from Mrs Palmer, we will be having Sports Days this year, but sadly, we will not be able to invite family members to watch. Bubble B will be having their Sports Day first, on Thursday 9th, with Bubble A the following Monday (the 13th). On those days, the children can come in to school wearing their PE kit (if it still fits! If it doesn't, and shorts and plain T-shirt will be fine).
I will be posting some home learning here on the class page, but it will be less than I was asking you to do before, when you were at home all week.
Have a great week!
Take care,
Mr Neill
Year 2 Willow Class Home Learning during the Coronavirus closure
In accordance with the latest government advice, we have had to close some of the school, including Year 2, until further notice. Of course, this is not ideal but with your help, we will endeavour to keep your child’s learning moving forward during this unprecedented situation.
On a weekly basis I will post suggestions for activities, projects, websites and videos that we would like your child to access. Frequently, this will involve logging in to the LGFL (London Grid For Learning) suite of websites. You will have recently received a letter with your child’s individual username and password. These login details will remain in place for the duration of your child's time at St Richard's, so please keep them safe and secure. Whenever a website prompts you to login, look for the red 'USO Login' button to enter the username and password.
You may find the following parents’ guides to maths and grammar useful:
We understand that each family will be coping with the current situation in different ways, which may affect how much and how often you will be available to support your child with their work, but ideally, we would like each child to attempt at least one activity per day. A little every day keeps up the momentum.
I will do my best to make the activities fun and to provide some variety, but as this is uncharted territory for all of us, I would welcome any feedback. You can reach me at: with any questions or comments, or to share any work or updates on what your child has been up to.
Do take care, and I will hopefully see you all sooner rather than later.
-Mr Neill
We hope you will find the information below informative and fun. Check out our Gallery for photos of what we have been up to. For information about time tables, swimming & PE days, how to help your child etc. see our Class Information page and for other news go to Class News.