Our Faith Group meets half termly to discuss the school's Christian distinctiveness as a Church of England primary school. It is made up of members of the staff, Governing Body and parent representatives.
Its purpose is to ensure that the school meets and indeed exceeds, the requirements of the Southwark Diocese.
As a school we believe that our identity as a Christian community is clear, embedded and cross-curricular. We want our children to know that God is good and that he loves them. We ensure that children have a positive and authentic experience of Christianity on which they can build in the future.
List of members
Sian Murphy, Head Teacher
Revd Simon Coupland, Vicar of St Richard's
Sharon Webber, Staff Governor
Rik Simpson, Parent
Our Prayer Group is called 2:22. This group meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month in the adjacent St Richard's Church to pray. All welcome.
People can contact the vicar Simon Coupland if you would like to know more.