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Week 8 Learning - Week Beginning 01/06/20

If you have access to a printer, please find below a home learning pack that you can download and print at home for your children to independently work through, at their own pace to allow opportunities for a screen break: 

Year 4 Home Learning Pack (week commencing 1st June 2020) 

Maths activities for the week 
I have set a challenge for you all on Timestables Rockstars. Each day this week (Mon-Fri) you are challenged to complete 2 studio sessions, then you will be able to unlock the other games. 

Daily White Rose Maths lessons: 


This week the lessons are on fractions. We briefly covered this topic in class before school closed but I don't think it would hurt for us to recap it and check our understanding! Some of you will be super speedy at these and some of you may need a recap. Remember the numerator (top number) tells you how many parts are in a fraction. The denominator (bottom number) tells you how many the whole has been divided into. 


Watch the daily videos here - Summer Term - Week 6 (w/c 1st June) 


Monday - Add two or more fractions

Tuesday - Subtract fractions 

Wednesday - Fractions of quantities 

Thursday - Calculate quantities 

Friday - Math's challenge! 


The activity sheets are attached below along with the answer sheets! Don't forget to mark your own and check where you have gone wrong. 

Arithmetic test - a combination of questions using your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Literacy activities for the week 

Writing activity - 

This week I would like you to write a non-chronological report. They are normally non-fiction texts which give information on a particular subject or event. I am going to give you free rein on what you write about... you might want to do it on your favourite animal, a country or something you are really interested in! 

Non-chronological reports are not written in time order, as they give factual information about a subject or event. Key features of a non-chronological report that you may want to use are:

• Subheadings to demonstrate what each section is about
• Fact boxes or bullet point lists to summarise key information
• a mini-glossary explaining language a reader may not understand
• labelled diagrams or pictures to support what you have written


I have uploaded a couple of example reports, a planning sheet and a writing template which you may wish to use! 

Spelling activity -  

I have attached your new spelling sheets for the next six weeks! Each week I would like you to practise your spellings. Write the meaning of the word, synonyms (words that mean the same), antonyms (words that mean the opposite) and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Get an adult or sibling to test you at the end of the week. 

Grammar / punctuation activity -

Before school closed we look at the use of apostrophes. I wonder if you can remember the two types of apostrophes we looked at and what they are used for. 



Follow the links above to revise your knowledge of the use of apostrophes on BBC bitesize. Follow the learning activities by watching the videos and then practise with some short activities. You will need a pencil and some paper for some of these activities. 


If you'd like to, have a go at these extension activity sheets about recognising apostrophes. Choose one sheet to do - either D (easy), E (medium), GD (challenge).  

Reading activity -  

Have a go at this reading comprehension about Sun Safety. Read the text and then answer the questions. Don't forget to check your answers using the answer sheet. Once you have finished, you could make a sun safety poster to inform others on how to keep safe! 

Science activities for the week 

We are going to start a new science topic next week so this week I have found some fun and easy science experiments for you to complete at home. You can do as many as you like! ENJOY. 

Art activity for the week

Painting, Collage and Printmaking - Imagination


Follow this link to find out more about a French artist called Henri Rousseau. He used his imagination to paint places he had never visited. Try your painting, collage and printmaking skills by following the videos and then use your imagination to create your own work of art about a place you have never been to! 




