
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Week Beginning 22nd June



Dear Parents and Carers.

Now that the majority of children are in school we will be adapting our home-learning offer. 

Each week I will upload 2 days worth of learning for the children to complete when they are at home. I will then upload some activities under the title 'Wacky Wednesday' which will be the day that most children will be at home, except for our Key Worker children. 


In addition to the activities I will also upload a learning pack for the additional days if you wish to contiue with these and there will also be the daily DfE phonics sessions, BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy if you would like to access these. 


We will continue with our theme of Barnaby Bear Around the World for our Big Picture, with some linked Literacy work. In school we will also be exploring stories by popular authors. Our focus in maths will be number and we will also have phonics sessions. 


Many thanks 



Our forest school creations...




This week and next week we are off to India, so at home we will be learning about the story of Rama and Sita and the celebration of Diwali. 

You can also use the pictures to write the story and make your own book. 

Here is a powerpoint with the phase 2,3 & 5 sounds if you would like to flashcard through these on a daily basis.


I have given you a maths challenge which will give you a variety of questions to answer. I have also given you two maths investigations to solve. You can record your ideas in any way that suits, drawing pictures, symbols, using objects and so on. 


We will be exploring the festival of Diwali. In session 1 I would like you to try and make a rangoli pattern and the second task is to create a hand mehndi pattern. 





Below is a link for some recipes for some Indian sweets which are often made to celebrate Diwali. There are very sweet! Why not have a try and make some of these sweets for you and the family to try! 

Your task is to create a portrait in the style of Picasso. There are some images below to help you create your masterpiece. You could draw or paint, use cardboard or craft materials. The choice is yours!



Have a go at making a flag from India. You could try and be creative and use different materials like in the picture below. 

