
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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School Travel Plan News

School Travel Plan 2022 - 2025

Confirmation of our Gold award with our Junior Travel Ambassadors

We have been awarded a Gold Travel Plan since 2010 as well as being the 2016 winner of the Primary and Secondary School of the Region (West) and our School Travel Plan Champion, Mrs Pielichaty, won the 2014 award for Inspiring Young London for West Region of London.


We use the Travel Plan to highlight issues in our school and surrounding roads and to give ourselves targets to improve the facilities at our school for both staff and pupils.  These have included our new cycle shed for staff and visitors in 2021, situated behind the school kitchens; our playroad improvements with working Belisha Beacons in 2020; our weather station and air quality monitoring in 2019; the improvements to the pavements on Ashburnham Road by the zebra crossing in 2018; annual provision of cycle training, safer walking and scooting for years 2-6 as well as new scooters for our scooter pod and 4 new bikes for KS2 to borrow.


We regularly hold Bike Breakfasts and ask the local Safety Police Team to come along and security mark bikes.  On 19th October 2022 31 children waited patiently to have their bikes marked whilst enjoying a bike breakfast.



Bike Breakfast 19 October 2022


School Play Road Gets a Facelift

As you walk into the school playground from Ashburnham Road, you may notice that the play road
between the Nursery and the Lime Tree Garden has been repainted and has 2 new additions…

Either side of the zebra crossing are model, working, Belisha Beacons!  Thanks to money obtained
from Richmond Council and Sustrans due to our Gold School Travel Plan, we were able to get these
made and installed. We are the only school in the borough with our own model beacons, made by
Simmonsigns who make the full sized ones you see on our Richmond roads.  One of our parents,
Phil Caple, installed these for us as well as building our new staff and visitor cycle shed which is now
located behind the school kitchens. This complements pupil cycle storage in our bike shed which is
in the main playground and has plenty of space for your bikes and helmets.

Councillors Penny Frost and Gareth Richards came along to our little opening ceremony with Rafael
Younger from Sustrans and Duncan Wells from Simmonsigns.  Letty and Lucas Kyriacou and Prince
and Mimi Wardle Sherwood tested out their scooting skills and road safety knowledge on a rare dry
moment over halfterm.

So, get on your bike (or scooter) and come to school (once you are allowed)   in a sustainable way!

See here for the link to the Richmond & Twickenham Times article:

See here for the Richmond Council press release:


In July we sent out an email to all parents to take part in a survey hosted by Sustrans.


"Dear parents,

As you know, our school has been working with Sustrans, the charity that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle, through its Bike It programme.

Sustrans are giving away two free bikes (one adult, one child) and all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning these is complete this survey.

All completed surveys will be entered in to the prize draw, and you have until 12th July to enter. The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.

If you have any queries about active travel, the school run or any other questions for Sustrans, please contact Raphael at

Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle. We connect people and places, create liveable neighbourhoods, transform the school run and deliver a happier, healthier commute. Join us on our journey."


We are delighted that one of our families won a bike for parents and child!  Here is a picture of Lilianna with her new bike.



Lilianna with her new bike
