
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Admissions to our Acorns Playgroup

Admissions to Acorns 

Acorns is an afternoon provision for children aged two to four years. It runs daily from 12:30 to 15:30.  Children attend a minimum of two afternoons a week and the vast majority of children progress into our Nursery class in the September following their third birthday.  The price per session is £18.


How to apply for a place in Acorns 

Please contact the school office on 020 8940 7911 or email


Parents should apply to the school for an Acorns place once their child has reached 18 months. Acorns is very popular and parents are encouraged to put their child on our Expression of Interest List. Places are offered each September, and again at the start of the Spring term if there is availability.


For information on admissions and to register your interest for a place, or to arrange a tour, please contact the school office on 020 8940 7911. 


Early Years Funding


You could be eligible for 15 hours per week free childcare for two year olds or 30 hours for three to four year olds.  More information can be found here on the Government Childcare Choices website. 


For more information about Early Years Funding, click here.

To see our admissions policies please click below to go to our Policies Page.
