
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Our Reviews - fiction 9-11

Adam 2 - Alistair Chisholm

Hundreds of years in the future in a city that used to be Edinburgh, robots and humans have been at war. No-one is winning and much damage has been done. It's a deep book with many themes about what makes us human and there is much there for older readers too. Max and Leo Y6 both found the book took a bit of getting into but Leo found the ending really good. Once it gets going you have to find out what happens - it's gripping and tense.

The Valley of Lost Secrets - Lesley Parr

Set in Wales during World War Two, a group of children are evacuated from London. At first they find it very hard to settle into a new place, and some of the locals are not very welcoming. Then the boys makes a shocking find, in a tree and life bizarrely begins to get better. Several of our readers, found it a bit slow to start - but it got more exciting.



Uma and the Answer to Absolutely Everything - Sam Copeland

Wolfstongue - Sam Thompson & illustrator Anna Tromop

"I really liked this one, it's very intense" - Darius Y5. 

A lonely boy, often ignored or teased at school, is walking home one afternoon, when a wolf appears in front of him, with a hurt paw. Despite his considerable fears, the boy helps the wolf and is drawn into an incredible animal society/world which appears to exist alongside humans unnoticed. But all is not well there, and the boy may need everything he's got and more to survive.  Rania Y5 appreciated the connection with nature and how the book really shows the world from an animal's point of view. Yuriko Y6, found it very creative and thoughtful.

