At St Richard’s we strongly believe that all children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their best. We are a truly inclusive school where staff work hard to ensure pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated to meet their needs, have equal access to resources, provision and interventions and can learn and make progress according to their individual needs
We are committed to offering all children access to very high quality teaching in the classroom, whatever their needs. In addition, adjustments are routinely made to the curriculum and environment which ensure any barriers are removed and that all children can access learning. We are passionate about early intervention to support children with additional needs and work very closely with a wide range of professionals, specialists and the local authority to achieve the best outcomes for our children with SEND.
Additional support is overseen by our Inclusion lead and SENCO, Mrs Julie Singleton and Mrs Sharon Webber who is also a qualified SENCO. Our team of dedicated support staff are able to offer a wide range of interventions and in class support including literacy or maths interventions, speech, language and communication groups, fine and gross motor programmes and emotional and behavioural support. Provision is personalised so that all children are genuinely included in all aspects of school life.
At St Richard’s we pride ourselves on open and positive relationships with parents/carers and we encourage them to talk to us about their child’s difficulties and the help they need in school. We ensure that parent/carer views are prioritised when making plans for their children at learning conversations, meetings and annual reviews. Special educational provision is recorded in children’s SEND support plans and parents/carers are involved at every step. Children of course are at the heart of everything we do and we ensure their voices are heard so that the support we provide is tailored to them as individuals.
For more information see our SEND Policy below.
The Richmond and Kingston SEND Local Offer can be found by clicking the link below and contains information about the full range of services and agencies which work to support children and young people with SEND locally
We subscribe to the Achieving for Children Inclusion Charter. To view the charter please click here:
AfC Inclusion Charter for children and young people