Maths activities for the week:
This week we are counting to 20. I know lots of the children can already do this so focus on matching the numerals to their quantities and then look at the patterns produced from adding one more. e.g. if you make it from lego you will see steps appear from adding one more each time.
Activity 1: Watch these number block episodes:
Activity 2: Play Race to 20 - Make a number line from 1-20 for you and your child/ren. Players take turns to roll the dice. If they roll 1-5, they move that number of spaces but if they roll a 6 they go back to the start. Winner is who reaches 20 first.
Activity 3: Play Don't say 20! - A game for 2 players. On their turn, the players choose to continue the count with 1, 2 or 3 numbers. The next player then continues the count. E.g. If the first player counts 1, 2 the second player could count 3 or 3, 4 or 3, 4, 5. The aim is to avoid saying 20.
Key questions:
How many do I have?
Make the number which is one more than mine.
Make the number which is one less.
What number comes after 20? And then?
Phonics activities for the week:
Tune in to the Letters and Sounds lessons daily here:
They will be recapping our sounds of the week last week.
Our new sounds of the week are: ear, air, ure
Have you been practising your tricky words?
Make sure you can spell them as well as read them!
Practise here:
Literacy activities for the week:
Watch this video of me reading Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy then complete the activities listed below:
Activity 2: Draw a picture of a dog or you can find a picture in a book or on the internet of your favourite dog. Try writing me some sentences to describe it.
Here is my favourite dog:
My favourite dog is a dalmatian.
They have black spots.
They run really fast and jump when they are excited.
Art and science activities:
This week we are looking at colour
How do we make different colours and where do colours come from?