
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Home Learning

Week Beginning 13th July 2020




In Literacy we are going to spend some time reflecting on the past year and trying to think of positive times we have had. There is also a SPaG sheet to complete.



Our maths this week will continue to focus on times tables.  This will be the last maths task set for this year, but we would love you to continue to practise your times tables over the summer.  So far in school you have learnt x2, x3, x4, x5, x8, x10.  In year 4 you will be learning x6, x7, x9, x11 and x12 as well so it would be really good to start the year confident in the times tables we have already covered!


This game will be good for practising all the times tables so far.  I know we haven't learnt x6, but unless you throw two sixes, you will be able to find the product (the result of multiplying 2 numbers) from your knowledge of the other times tables (remember, multiplication is commutative - 2 x 3 is the same as 3 x2).  The only new fact you will need will be 6 x 6 = 36.






Choose another country in the world which you can compare to your own country.

Can you create a comparison which shows how they are different or similar?


  • The weather
  • The population
  • The terrain
  • The housing
  • The language
  • The religions
  • Famous landmarks


Present your findings in a clear way. This could be a poster, a leaflet, a table. You may want to add pictures of their flags or key landmarks.


Week beginning 5th July



In maths in school this week, we will be continuing to look at how we can use bar models to improve our understanding and help us solve more challenging word problems.

For those of you who will not be in school at all this week, here are the two lessons we will be delivering in class.

Multiplication and Division activities for the other 3 days for all.



In school we are going to be making our own tea combinations and making packaging for them. We are also going to think about how we advertise products. There is a powerpoint and activity for you to look at at home that explains what makes a good advert and the techniques used to try and convince people to buy things. It would be amazing if some of you could film your own advert at home!!

Art - animal origami

Week beginning 29th June




In maths in school this week, we will be looking at how we can use bar models to improve our understanding and help us solve more challenging word problems.

For those of you who will not be in school at all this week, here are the two lessons we will be delivering in class.

Geography - map skills

Week Beginning 22nd June 2020

As most of the children are back at school this week online learning will look a bit different. The tasks will be for the two days after your child has been in school. If your child is not in school you can find lessons on the National Oak Academy Website and BBC bitesize. The children are welcome to have a go at the activities below as well.

The Overseer

Do you remember the character the 'Overseer' in the story? What was he like? Use the sheet above to see if you can create a character profile of him. There is a sheet above that you can print. If you haven't been in school you could fill the sheet in for a different character.


Now that we have finished the White Rose fractions unit, we are going to spend some time both at school and in our home learning going over some of the number work we have learnt in year 3 up until now. 

Here are the first 3 challenge sheets to keep Bubble B and all you home learners busy until Thursday.  There are two more to follow for the end of the week.

3 days of maths challenges

2 further maths challenges for those not able to come into school

Art for those not able to come into school at all this week

Week Beginning 15th June



More Fractions!!!  I have again posted both the White Rose lessons and my own.  If White Rose isn't clear or you just want more (!), dip into my lessons too.

The link to White Rose is, as always:




Miss Robert's Oak Academy lessons have finished now, but we have one more.   This one is about seeds.  The activity at the end is to make a seed cake for the birds in your garden.  I wonder what kind of birds you will see feeding from it?




Join Miss Roberts at the National Oak Academy to learn to clap in 3 and 4 time and sing a song in Latin!

Week beginning 8th June



There is lots of science for you to explore this week!



Here is the link to the last lesson of Miss Robert's lessons from the National Oak Academy.  This week she is looking at how plants adapt to different environments, with a fun task of designing a plant which is suited to living in a rainforest.


Mummified Oranges

This is a bit of a cross-over between science and history!

It was very cool opening the mummified orange at school yesterday.  Why don't you have a go at mummifying one at home.  Here is a link to some instructions:


Solar Oven

I love this one!  I am very disappointed that the sun is hiding behind all those clouds today.  But, do try this to make some tasty treats when it reappears.





We are continuing with fractions this week.   Here the link to the White Rose lessons for this week:


 - and here are the worksheets and answers to go with them.


This week we are starting a new book called Sparky. On the power point there is a  link to a You Tube recording of someone reading the text.

As before there is some less challenging Literacy tasks if that is more appropriate for your child.


RE - Abraham

Plant Art - create a forest scene

Life Skills

Week beginning 1st June



Carrying on from where we left off before half term.

White Rose fraction lessons:

Alternative White Rose lessons 

If you have completed the fractions module, at the bottom of Week 6, you will find the link to alternative lessons.



This week we will continue to look at the Flotsam book. Please watch the video again and then follow the Power Point. There is a task for each day. For the children who would like the easier work please follow the PowerPoint and find the sheets under the separate section. When it comes to the story writing there is a comic strip template to make the writing more managable if the writing task would be too tricky.

Flotsam Week 2



How are your beans getting on?  Bertie has got flowers!  Do you remember the role flower's play in the plant's life-cycle?  That's right, they are there to encourage pollination and produce seeds.

This week, Miss Roberts at the National Oak Academy is talking about Water Transportation.  Here is the link to the lesson:

Mrs Trimby's PowerPoint


This week's plant art session focusses on the work of Georgia O'Keefe.  Onece you have looked at the PowerPoint, click on the Plant Art Work 3 PDF.  You can use the pictures of the flowers to either paint the whole flower onto the silhouette or copy the half flower given.



In RE this term we are going to be looking at some characters from the Old Testament part of the Bible. This week's lesson is all about Solomon.

Power Point Lesson and worksheet - Solomon



Rhythm and coordination challenge

Today try to learn some or all of the cup song. You will need a beaker or plastic cup/container for this.

Use the link below for a tutorial. This can be tricky so may need to be practised over a few days.

Make sure your rhythm is consistent.

Got it? Try it to music.


Create a map from memory of your local area. How many road names can you remember? Try to use some of these ordnance survey symbols which you would find on maps where appropriate.

When you think your map is as detailed as possible, check it. If it’s possible to go for a walk in your local area, take your map with you to see how accurate you were. If you can’t go for a walk, use google maps to compare your map.

Home learning Week beginning 18th May



In order to be in line with BBC Bitesize, White Rose have returned to the start of their fractions lessons, which does make things a bit confusing!  They are offering alternative lessons, recapping on addition and subtraction of 2 and 3-digit numbers so this week, I am going to post both Fractions and Addition and Subtraction separately.  You do not need to do both!  If you haven't done fractions from the beginning, do the fraction lessons (I will post my own PowerPoints alongside White Rose for extra practice).  If you have already done the fractions lessons, you can chose whether you re-cap these or re-cap addition and subtraction.  Or if you are super-keen you can re-cap both, but you do not have to!!







For the next two weeks of Learning (This week and the one after half term) we are going to be looking at the book Flotsam. Its a lovely book and tells a story without words! The children will need to watch the video of the book. There is a link in the Power Point or below. The tasks for each day are in the PowerPoint presentation.



Miss Robert's lesson includes a lot of information this week: the life cycle of a flowering plant and seed dispersal so I have divided this into two science lessons for this week.



We are continuing to learn about Judaism and this lesson is all about the 10 commandments. These were given by God to Moses after the Israelites had escaped form Egypt. They are a very important part of the Jewish faith. There is a Powerpoint presentation and creative activity to do.


This week is National Vegetarian Week.  As the Trimby family doesn't eat much meat anyway, we thought we would try out some new vegetarian recipes.  Here is some of the yummy food we have tried this week:


For DT this week, perhaps you could help your parent or carer cook dinner.  Perhaps you could try out a vegetarian recipe too.  I have found some nice easy ones here:

Home Learning Week beginning 11th May



This week, White Rose is returning to Multiplication and Division which we covered at the end of last term, but it certainly won't hurt to revisit it! As I mentioned earlier in the week, from next week White Rose will not be providing the worksheets, but the school has a subscription which means I can post them on this site for you.  I will also post my own lessons covering these areas as White Rose can sometime speed ahead and you might need a bit more practice.  Please do not feel you have to do both!!  If you have found the White Rose lesson a bit fast and need a bit of extra practice, have a look at my slides.  In class, we might take 2 or three lessons to cover what White Rose does in one so this might look like an awful lot!  However, just use what you need to help you understand!

As usual, the link to White Rose is:




In literacy this week we are going to start the week by looking at Non-Chronological reports. There is a Power Point to explain the features of this kind of report and a task at the end. Later in the week there are some lessons on verbs and poems. I have also put up some sheets to remind the children of the different kind of verbs we need to know in Year 3. Children work at different paces so please don't feel under pressure to get everything done. For some children the report may take 3 days to finish. If you know your child struggles with the year 3 curriculum I have put a section with easier work that is related to the topics we are studying.


In RE this week we are going to look at the Jewish celebration of Passover. Please start by watching the Superbook video. This is the story of the first Passover. There is then a PowerPoint to look at and finally a Sedar plate for you to cut and stick.


This week we are going to carry on looking at plants.  Miss Roberts at the Oak Academy is looking the different parts of a flower, so I thought I would post up my Power Point too if you need to recap.  In school, we would have been doing one of my favourite activities: dissecting a flower and looking really carefully at all the tiny parts.  Any flower with relatively large parts works (lily, iris, tulip, daffodil), but make sure you ask your parent or carer before you go chopping up their prize flowers!!  

Here is the link to the Oak Academy lesson: 



As we are looking at plants in Science, I thought it might be nice to fast-forward to our next Big Picture we would have been doing in school - Art and the Natural World.  Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at how artists represent plants and flowers, thinking about what we like and what we perhaps don't like and then having a go at drawing and painting plants ourselves. 



If my daughter, Eleanor had not been in lockdown, this week she would have been visiting Paris and probably the Eiffel Tower.  This reminded me of a really fun DT project I have done before with spaghetti and marshmallows.  Its a little bit like the straw towers we made in Year 2.  Your challenge is to make the tallest tower you can out of dry spaghetti and marshmallows.  It must be able to stand up on its own!  Think about how you can make a strong structure. Here is a link to an information sheet from the Science Museum to give you a few ideas.


Please send us your pictures!  I wonder who will be able to make the tallest tower...




Join Miss Roberts for singing scales.


Home Learning 4th May

This PowerPoint contains your learning tasks for History, Art and Music next week. 


Maths - keep going with White Rose.  Please let me know if you are having any problems, and thank you to those who have.  I will try to help get you unstuck.



Let's see what happened when Miss Roberts left her plant without water for a while.

In this lesson, you will also learn more about the functions of the different parts of a plant (what they are there for).

Can you find the mistakes in this piece of writing?

This week in Literacy there are activities to do with VE day. Please have a look at the Year 3 activities on the first document, but you can have a go at others too! There is an example of a newspaper report for you to read. Then you can have a go at your own. We have done this before, remember to have a catchy headline! Imagine you are reporting during the original VE day. What would you see and hear. What would people be feeling at that time?
The Union Jack is an unusual flag,it is more complicated than it looks. If you want a challenge try an draw it without the template! Have a look at the web link below to find out about how the flag came to be.
Home Learning 26.4.20

This week we are looking at imperative verbs and how they help us when we are writing instructions.

Imperative verbs are also known as Bossy verbs because they tell you what to do. We put imperative verbs at the beginning of a sentence, which automatically changes them into commands or actions that must be done.We can leave out a lot of the normal language of a sentence so we get to the point a lot quicker. The commands are usually very short sentences and are acted upon immediately. When we read or hear instructions, we want them to be quick and snappy so we can act upon them straight away.

This week can you have a go at writing a recipe and maybe even cooking? We would love to see pictures.

If you know your child may struggle with this work the jam sandwich activity might be something that you would like to do with them




Exciting news!  My bean has started to grow.  Here is a picture of it so far.  I challenge myself to post a picture every week.  As you know, I am not the best at growing plants so this will make me really concentrate on keeping it alive!!  How are the rest of you getting on?

This week, I would like you to watch one of the lessons from the Oak Academy  The program sets up an experiment to see what plants need to grow.  Remember, when we do a test we have to make it fair.  Do you remember how to do this?  Its all explained in the lesson along with some very scientific language which will definitely be useful for our future lessons!

In the video, the teacher asks you write down the experiment.  It would be brilliant if you could do this, but if not, don't worry.  The most important thing is that you remember some of the things you have learnt.




How are you getting on with those fractions?  I know that some of you found the equivalent fractions a bit tricky.  If you get stuck, please email me and I will try to un-muddle you.  Carry on with the fractions lesson from White Rose. This week starts with adding fractions.




Fancy learning how to beatbox?  Click the link to access this week's lesson!


Home Learning 20.4.20



Here is the link to Wednesday's lesson on beat:




And to Thursday's lesson on Introduction to maps:




This half term we will be learning about flowering plants.  I have attached a PowerPoint to help you learn about the function of roots.  If we had been at school, we would all have planted a broad been and kept a plant diary, taking pictures and recording its growth.  If you would still like to do this, I am going to buy some broad bean seeds tomorrow and bring them over to Ham.  I will leave them at the entrance to the school in a plastic pot and perhaps someone in your family could pick up a couple when they go out to the shop.  I will aim to have them there by lunchtime on Tuesday.

I will try to grow one too.

Science - roots



Please continue to log into White Rose maths at


We will be continuing with fractions for the first two weeks of term.  If you have missed any of the fractions lessons, don't worry, they are still available.  They are called Week 1 and Week 2.  As of now, White Rose will link to extra maths on the BBC Bitesize website.  I haven't been able to check this out yet as it starts tomorrow, but I will let you know about it when I do.


Quick update:  The White Rose pages will link to BBC Bitesize from week 3 of this term when they are teaching the same thing.  So for now, just stick with White Rose.  I have also seen that they are no longer providing the write-on work sheets for everyone, but the school has subscribe to White Rose to allow us access.  I will post them weekly with the answers - no peeking until you have done the worksheet, please!!  



Home Learning Week 3 (30.3.20)



Year 3 Home learning during the coronavirus closure

Home Learning Week 2 (23.3.20)