
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Events at St Richard's

Choir at the O2 Young Voices performance 2025

The school choir had an incredible experience performing at the Young Voices event at the O2 Arena. This unforgettable day was filled with singing, dancing, and even learning Makaton to accompany some of the songs, showcasing their talent and dedication. Participating in such a prestigious event not only boosted their confidence but also allowed them to connect with thousands of other young singers, over 8000 in total, promoting teamwork, creativity, and a love for music. 

Football Tournament for Year 4

10th October 2024


Photos from the valiant Year 4 team 

Thames Young Mariners 3-4 October 2024


Year 5 experienced river-based activities in some very cold weather but still managed to have fun!

Year 2's Trip to Southsea

5th July 2024

Weather forecast: rainy and windy! 

Attitude: stay positive! 

Aspirational Week  17-21 June 2024

Aspiring engineers

Aspiring medical professionals

Aspiring members of the armed forces

Aspiring creators

Aspiring financial whizzes

Aspiring music mixers

Aspiring citizens of the future

Ham Fair 
8th June 2024

Our school stall was very busy, giving away children's books, doing tattoos and craft activities.

At 11.50 our choir sang at the centre stage and were amazing!  Apart from one rain shower, the weather held and everyone enjoyed this annual delight!

Year 4's Trip to Holly Lodge, Richmond Park


Year 4 travelled back in time to the days of the Second World War.  They learned about rationing and growing your own vegetables, about ARP (Air Raid Precautions) and cracking the code.

Reception Class cooking for parents


On Thursday 23rd May Reception class were very busy picking ingredients, preparing food and cooking a meal for their parents who arrived in the afternoon.  Mrs Kotecha was very proud of their efforts and so were their parents!


Rain did NOT stop play on a summer's Thursday evening! Lots of laughter and excitement as we played into the evening, danced on stage, made rainbow toast, had hot chocolate and popcorn and slept (well, sort of) in the school hall! 


Reception class have been learning about the work of the artist YINKA SHONIBARE who is a British-Nigerian artist living in the UK. A hallmark of his art is the brightly coloured Ankara fabric he uses. As Shonibare is paralysed on one side of his body, he uses assistants to make works under his direction. Reception class then had a day of celebrating different cultures and the amazing diversity that is in their class. 

Year 1 visit to the London Eye and River Thames cruise

Year 1 enjoyed their adventure into London, enjoying a cruise on the Thames and riding on the London Eye. They didn't let the weather spoil their fun! 


The choir are back at the Royal Albert Hall for the first Prom Praise some 2019. Over 2,000 children join together with a love orchestra to form a mega choir to raise the roof and one of the world's greatest concert halls! 


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Nursery have been learning a song to celebrate Mother's Day and to say I love you to all their mums. 


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To celebrate World Book Day, Nursery and Reception had a Gruffalo themed picnic and invited their families along. Reception even grew cress to use as a filling for the sandwiches and Nursery made Gruffalo crumble! But don't they know... there's no such thing as a Gruffal.......oh! 


We have been celebrating World Book Day and have enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book characters. Can you guess who we are?

Watch this space for more images...  


Nursery had a surprise today when the fire brigade came to visit! We were so excited! 


This year is the year of the dragon, and Nursery have taken the opportunity to learn all about a different culture and festival. We have also had a 'roaring' good time! 


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Year 5 are budding scientists as they visit the L'Oreal Young Science Centre. 

Students got hands-on and made their own bath bombs and lip balms whilst learning fundamental chemistry. This workshop was a great introduction to pH, neutralisation, solubility and changes of state.

Bedtime Story Event

Children in the early years were invited back to school after school had finished for a bedtime story event. Pyjamas were essential, as was lots of stories and of course some hot chocolate! 


Year 3 bring learning to life with a hands on experience exploring the Roman Times! 

Choir Music workshop with the Prom Praise Team


In March, the school choir will be joining other children in performing at the Royal Albert Hall. Today the choir participating in a music workshop in preparation for their performance. 

Choir singing at Home Mead Residential Home in Teddington

Our wonderful KS2 choir were invited to entertain the residents at Homemead Care Home in Teddington. Homemead specialises in dementia care, offering a comfortable and stress-free environment that is ideal for those living with the effects of memory loss. The children performed fantastically to the residents, many of whom joined in with the well known Christmas carols and danced away to the more modern songs! The children were fabulous and certainly brought joy and festive cheer to all there. 

Christmas Lunch 19th December 2023

Christmas Fair 2023

STEM day event - October 2023 


We were delighted to welcome the schools team from the Royal Institute of Science to join us at our Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths event. Children across the school enjoyed and participated in a range of exciting investigations culminating in an whole school community event and show after school. 

Brite Box Event - Healthy Schools - September 2023


Every week our year 3 class receive a Brite box which is a box of ingredients to make a nutritious family meal. The children are encouraged to share photographs with the food that they make with their family and they discuss the outcomes in class the following week. 

Below are photographs of the children receiving their boxes and a special event acknowledging its success. Our head teacher spoke at the event sharing the positive impact of Brite boxes on the school. 

TYM - Thames Young Mariners 

The time has come for the children to embark on their long awaited trip to TYM. Memories made, overnight stays and a lot of wet adventures! Lots of happy smiling faces and challenges to overcome. Teamwork, resilience and memory making at its finest! 

Year 4 Camp Out

Every year our year 4 children stay the night in school and sleep in tents on the field. Some sleep is had but LOTS of memories are made! 

Healthy Schools Gold Award Ceremony - June 2023

On 29 June, Richmond schools celebrated receiving their Healthy Schools award.

The Healthy Schools London Programme was re-launched by Public Health in partnership with Achieving for Children and Richmond Council in September 2021. The Healthy Schools philosophy is about four key areas: 

  • PSHE (personal social health and economic) education
  • physical activity
  • healthy eating
  • mental health and wellbeing. 

St Richard's CE Primary School received received all three awards -  Bronze, Silver and Gold.

St Richard's School Choir at the Richmond Singing Festival at the Rose Theatre, Kingston on 21st March, 2023


Our school choir joined voices with other Richmond schools at this annual festival.  They had learned Makaton signs to accompany one of the songs and took part enthusiastically.


Year 5 & 6 took part in an immersive Easter experience at Cornerstone Church in Kingston on 22nd March, 2023.


We took part in the Ukrainian Art Exhibition at The Russell School on Monday 6th March. 
