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Week 6 Learning - Week Beginning 11/05/20

We are back to normal learning this week so I have planned some maths, literacy, science and big picture activities for you! Remember you can email me with any questions or pictures/documents of work you have completed. 
Don't forget to read for at least half an hour a day and practise your timestables regularly. 
Miss Cessford smiley

Maths activities for the week 

Click on the link and have a go at doing one maths lesson a day from the Summer Term - Week 4 (w/c 11th May) section. Watch the video for the lesson and have a go at the activities. You can find the activity sheets below so either print them out or write the answers in a notebook. Then check your answers! 

Monday - lesson continues with multiplication and division problems. This is a recap of what we have already covered in school. Last week the White Rose lessons were based on multiplication and division (2 and 3-digit numbers multiplied by 1-digit) so if you haven't already you can do those lessons as well. You'll find them in the section Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May). 


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - lessons are a recap on perimeter and area. 


Friday - Maths challenge!


If you manage to whizz through all of these lessons you can find more activities that match this week's maths learning at BBC bitesize.


I will be posting an arithmetic test each week. It is a combination of questions using your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Literacy activities for the week 

Writing activity - 

Before I started teaching you all, you wrote some wonderful explanation texts for Mrs McKenna about 'How does a flying machine work'. Remember an explanation text is meant to describe a process such as how a car is made for example. Explanation texts include specific features:

  • title 
  • Written in the present tense
  • text arranged into chronological order
  • technical words
  • conjunctions (because, as a result)
  • time connectives (first, then, next, while)
  • diagrams with labels 


So...... this week I would like you to write an explanation text based on this video called 'Girl and Robot'. This robot saved the girls life. What does your robot do??? You might want to make the title of you explanation text 'How does a robot work'. You can let you imagination run wild! You might want to design a picture of your own robot first, and label it. Have a think about what each feature does! 


I have included an example below and a powerpoint for some guidance on how to write a good explanation text. 

Spelling activity - 


Words with the /k/ sound spelt ch (Greek in origin). Practise the spellings below and then play the related games




Also practise a few of the Year 3/4 common exception words. Write the meaning of the word, synonyms, antonyms and an example of how to use the word in a sentence. Get an adult or sibling to test you at the end of the week. 


Other spelling games:



Grammar/punctuation activity - 


We have focused a lot on speech this year. I wonder if you can remember the rules for using speech in your writing??? 


Click here for a lesson on using inverted commas to show speech on BBC Bitesize. Follow the learning activity by watching the videos and then practise with three activities. You will need a pencil and some paper for some of these activities. 


Then have a go at these three activities below to practise your inverted comma skills! 


Reading activity - 


Have a go at this reading comprehension about Usain Bolt. Pick which level of difficulty you want, read the text and then answer the questions. Don't forget to check your answers using the answer sheet. 
★ Easy: Pages 1 - 4
★★ Medium: Pages 5 - 9
★★★ Difficult/Challenge: 10 - 14

Science activities for the week 

This terms Science topic is Animals (including humans). Last week you looked at the different types of teeth and some of you made some fantastic teeth fact files. This week we are exploring interesting animal teeth! 


1. I would like you to try and make a song/rap to remember the five types of human teeth. You could do change the lyrics to one of your favourite pop songs or make up your own tune. For the musicians in our class I wonder if you could play an instrument too? 


2. Pick your favourite animals and research their teeth. What type do they have? Why do they need them? What interesting facts can you find out about their teeth? 
You can either use the worksheet below to record your ideas or you could create a PowerPoint presentation with various animal teeth! Get creative! 

Big Picture / Art activities for the week 

This terms Big Picture topic is Meet the Artists. We will be looking at the work of different artists each week, both designers and architects. 


This week we are going to explore the work of Vivienne Westwood who is a very famous fashion designer. Looking at these photos, do you think she creates traditional clothing or a more ‘avant-garde’ approach (non-traditional or experimental)??

Westwood is very famous for her flamboyant and unusual designs that challenge the norms of the fashion industry. 

1. I would like you to research Vivienne Westwood and make a PowerPoint presentation of key information about her and her life. Remember to include pictures.


2. If you are feeling a little more creative, you could design your own Westwood influenced jacket. Firstly, compare Westwood’s jackets to the more ‘classic’ jacket design by other designers (see resource below). What makes a ‘Westwood style jacket’? How is it different from a classic jacket? 


You can come up with an initial sketch for their design. Try practising some sketching techniques before starting. 

Superstar challenge 

If you complete all the work on the class page for this week and would like an additional challenge, try the activity below! Please do not worry if you do not have time to do the challenge. 


Look up the meaning of ‘palindrome’ in a dictionary.

Words can be palindromic, for example ‘madam’.

Dates can be palindromic too, for example 17.8.71.

Can you think of some more examples?


Palindromic numbers:
8, 33, 161, 222 and 2998992 are examples of palindromic numbers.

◆ How many palindromic numbers are there between:

0 and 100? 100 and 200? 200 and 300? 300 and 400?

◆ Can you work out how many palindromic numbers there are between 0 and 2000? What about between 0 and 10000?


Always, sometimes, never? 

When you add a two digit number to the reverse number ( 32 + 23 = ? ), you will get a palindromic number. 


Now try it with another two-digit number, such as: 57

Reverse it and add the result to the original number: 57 + 75 = 132

Reverse and add again: 132 + 231 = 363 
This time the result is palindromic after two reversals.


Can you find two-digit numbers that are palindromic after one reversal? After two reversals? After three reversals? After more than three reversals?

