
St Richard'sCE Primary School

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Nursery - Pine




Monday 13th July 2020


Hello Everyone!

How did we get to the last week of the school year already?! I know it feels like we've only just come back but it has been wonderful to spend the last couple weeks together again. It's going to be another warm, sunny week for our last together before the summer break.

If there's any questions you have please do get in touch, so I can help get things sorted before the end of the academic year.





Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term! This half term our learning continues to be focused on a story of the week. You will notice that learning in other areas will be linked to this story/theme as well. Also every Friday you will have the chance to catch up with Jo and your class at our weekly video session. Happy learning and keep emailing me photos of all your wonderful home learning.



9:00 - Start your day with Jo's story and an activity

9:30 - Do a helpful job around the house 

9:45 - Try a Phonics activity

10:00 - Stop for a drink and a snack 

10:15 - Try a Maths activity

10:45 - Try a physical development activity

11:15 -  Do a creative activity, either art or construction

12:00 - Lunch time


In the afternoon you could try some cooking, some arts and crafts, going for a little walk, help to do some more jobs around the house or garden, look at some books, play a board game, sing songs, colouring.

Welcome to Pine Class Page

In accordance with the latest government advice, we have had to close the school until further notice. Of course, this is not ideal but with your help, we will endeavour to keep your child’s learning moving forward during this unprecedented situation.


On a weekly basis I will post work for all the children to complete. Please check the page regularly. 

In addition, I will add suggestions for activities, projects, websites and videos that we would like your child to access.

If you would like to send me any learning electronically such as a word document, a photo of something you have created or a video you have made, please do so at I would really love to see what you have been doing! Also, if you need any help, please let me know. 


Frequently, this will involve logging in to the LGFL (London Grid For Learning) suite of websites. You will have recently received a letter with your child’s individual username and password. These login details will remain in place for the duration of your child's time at St Richard's, so please keep them safe and secure. Whenever a website prompts you to login, look for the red 'USO Login' button to enter the username and password. 


We understand that each family will be coping with the current situation in different ways, which may affect how much and how often you will be available to support your child with their work. It is still also very important to get some fresh air with your family when you can do so safely. To help you to plan for your day, here is a suggested timetable that you could use. It might help you manage your learning and your family fun.


9:00 -  Start of day...why not try with 15 minutes of reading…either sharing a book with an adult or telling a story using the pictures.

9.15 – Creative time – you could make a picture, build with blocks, complete some puzzles.

10.00 - Stop for a snack, a break and some fresh air!

10.30 – Do a helpful job around the house – wipe the table, help load/unload the dishwasher, help fold the laundry, make your bed

10:45 – Have a look at some online learning websites such as Busy Things, Phonics Play, Cbeebies, BBC bitesize.

11.00 – Activity of your choice

11:45 -Time for a break and some lunch....maybe you could prepare this for your family.


In the afternoon there are many things that you could do:

  • Go for a nature walk and play I Spy. What interesting things did you see or collect?
  • Ride your scooter or bike
  • Help make a snack, lunch or dinner
  • Do some cooking
  • Junk modelling – use recyclable materials to create something ie a robot, a castle. 
  • Try some art or craft. Maybe try a simple science experiment
  • Play a game with a family member, learn a new song or have a go at some indoor exercise!
  • Send your teacher some photos of what you have been doing
  • Try and limit the amount of technology you use in the afternoon 



Remember to stay safe, look after each other. I will keep in touch with you all here and send you messages. I will also share any of your photos or learning you send me.


I will miss you all!



Welcome to Pine Class Page

We hope that this page gives you an insight into all the fun and excitement that takes place in nursery once the children run in and the doors are closed. Enjoy looking through the photographs of the happy memories that we make and the friendships that are evolving as we learn through play. Please find all important information in the class information page and copies of our weekly newsletters in the class news file.  
