Below are lots of links to different websites/Youtube channels where celebrities are putting together various activities and videos that you can try for free online, so why not give them a go.
Scroll down further to find some Easter themed activities.

- Oti Mabuse from Strictly Come Dancing is doing dance lessons at 11.30 am on any of her social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). So ask a parent or guardian! Or click here to find more routines.

- If you want to relax and listen to a story, head on over to David Walliams' page by clicking here. David has started releasing 30 audio stories every day for 30 days.

- On the Literacy Shed you can find hundreds of engaging videos to spark creative writing and a bank of comprehension questions to go with each clip.
- Write short stories based on one image on Pobble 365. There is a new picture each day so let your imagination run wild!
- Steve Backshall has been hosting live lessons on his YouTube channel. Join him for wildlife learning and you can even ask your parent or guardian to ask Steve a question on his twitter account.

- Join CBeebies presenter Maddie Moate and science journalist Greg Foot for a daily live show exploring all things science and nature. From how to make a poo, planting tomatoes and dissecting daffodils. Check them out at 11am Monday to Friday!

- If you'd like to test your maths skills why not join The Maths Factor. The website has loads of interactive games, video tutorials, and quizzes to test your knowledge. Maths whizz and former Countdown presenter Carol Vorderman has made her website free whilst schools are closed. Why not get testing your times tables!
- Continue with your maths learning we would have been doing in school by looking at the Year 4 Home Learning on White Rose Maths.
- Is art your favourite subject? Do you like Marvel movies? Well fear not, Marvel comic artist Will Sliney, has worked on Spiderman and Star Wars comic books and now he is teaching children how to draw. Head to his YouTube channel to learn how to draw The Simpsons, Animal Crossing, and Mario.
- Some children have been creating a wish jar, where you can write down things you'd like to do once life gets back to normal. It might be making a sandcastle at the beach or having a sleepover with friends; write it down, pop it in the jar and look forward to the adventures you will soon have.