English task:
Daily reading
Florence Nightingale reading comprehension
Maths task:
Go to the link below and watch the Summer term week 1 video; 'Lesson 3 - Compliments to 1'.
Afterwards, try the worksheet. You can check your work using the answer sheet:
At school, some children really like the 'Flex' video, but my favourite is 'Milkshake'
English tasks:
Daily reading
Spelling practice
Homophones practice
Maths task:
French task:
English tasks:
Daily reading
Persuasive letter
I bet you didn't know this, but I am actually the one person in the country who controlls when Year 5's will be going back to school.
I would like you to write me a letter, convincing me to allow Year 5's back in school from next week.
Here is a helpful video. It's actually meant for secondary school children, so it's a little tricky, but it may still give you some good ideas. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zv7fqp3/articles/zr8cmfr
Challenge: Can you use any of your spellings from this week in the letter?
Maths task:
Go to the link below and watch the Summer term week 1 video; 'Lesson 4 - Adding decimals - crossing the whole'.
Afterwards, try the worksheet. You can check your work using the answer sheet:
Science task:
Last week, you investigated which substances are soluble and insoluble.
This week, I'd like you to investigate how to seperate a mixture of water and soluble and insoluble sustances.
Watch this video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjty4wx/articles/zrgj2sg
Make a mixture of water, salt, and rice or flour. Then, seperate the mixture.
Is there an order you need to do this in?
Why can't the salt be filtered out?
Tip: Kitchen roll can be used as filter paper.
Make sure you work with an adult if you are evaporating your mixture!
Maths task:
Mini arithmatic test
English tasks:
Daily reading
Spelling practice
Can you use the spellings from Tuesday in a sentence?
Maths task:
White Rose Maths Friday challenge!
'The most suitable questions for Year 5 are 1-5, but you could try more with a family member'
Music task:
This week, we would have been learning the song 'Dancing in the Street'
See if you can learn the words, copy some of their moves or create a dance of your own to the song.
You might prefer the original version by Martha And The Vandellas; both videos are below.