
St Richard'sCE Primary School

Bold Bright Beautiful

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Week 2 - Week beginning 23/03



English tasks:

Quiet reading


10 minute spelling practise


 Write a diary entry in your orange magpie book

  • What did you do this weekend?
  • How are you feeling?
  • Any plans or hopes for the week?


Maths tasks:

Timestable rockstars:

PE - Active 8 Minute Workout



English tasks:

Quiet reading


FA cup reading comprehension


French task:





Maths tasks:

Adding Fractions Explanation



English tasks:

Quiet reading


Prepositions worksheet


Maths tasks:


Science tasks:

In science, we have been learning about the life cycles of mammals; looking at gestation periods and cells at Greycourt. 

I would now like you to investigate the life-cycle of amphibians

Use the links below to do your research, then create a diagram showing the life-cycle of a frog.

You could do this as a drawing, painting, or online at (use your LGfL login and select J2write to start.)



English tasks:

Quiet reading


Write a diary entry in your orange magpie book

  • What were your highs/lows of the week?
  • How are you feeling?
  • Any plans or hopes for the coming week and weekend?


Maths tasks:

Subtracting Fractions Explanation



English tasks:

Quiet reading


10 minute spelling practise


Maths tasks:


Topic task:

To your absolute delight, our new topic for this week would have been a music topic. So, I would like you to learn all the lyrics to a song you like and sing it, or you could make up a dance routine.
